Thursday, January 24, 2013


Thank you Almighty for all the good that is now in my life!!!!

Yesterday, I threw him a bone, but it was a bone that I wanted.  What in the world does that mean???  I wanted to see ZERO DARK THIRTY and since Leslie cancelled my private yoga lesson, I invited him to go to see a film and have dinner yesterday.   I was very proud of myself because I didn't make more of it than it was.  It was a film and dinner.  I did not have regrets about what was not.  I did not look at clothing.  I did not look at the tip.  I focused on what I wanted to do. I have really changed!!!!!

Today, I am going to a retirement meeting to get information and dinner with a friend.

I am so grateful to have activities daily that I enjoy.

I am grateful for the quiet that I have in my life.

I am grateful that I know when to speak and when to be quiet.  This one is difficult because I have such issues with him, but it needs t be controlled because it will never be resolved.

I am grateful that although it is freezing outside, it has not snowed.  Therefore I am not connected to him more than I need to be by having him drive me anywhere.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for the good in my life!!!!

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