Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty that I re-acquainted myself with the yoga concept of getting rid of what doesn't serve you.

I had almost forgotten this idea.  I woke up in a really bad mood because my older one has told me that she wants us to meet her boyfriends parents.  I pushed it until after Passover, but, it's still coming.  I thought of all the work that I had done with her and what a waste it was.  I thought of him and how he demeaned all that I did and consequently these girls took after him.

I was really in a funk this morning.  I couldn't get it out of my mind even while I was walking. However, then I went to yoga. 

Does this serve me?  The answer is, "No."  Can I do anymore than I have done?  Again the answer was, "No!"  

Therefore, the time has come for me to get rid of what doesn't serve me.   I am not responsible for the choices that they made and the way they turned out.  It is my time now and I am enjoying it. 

I have gotten rid of what doesn't serve me.

Thank you Almighty for allowing me to go to yoga to hear this!!!!

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