Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It is freezing outside.  I am so cold.  But, inside I am smiling.  I am so grateful to the Almighty for my happiness.

Last night, I went to a Restorative Yoga class.  It was warm in the room and the poses were wonderful.  I put my mat down next to a friend of mine and had an incredibly wonderful hour.

I came home to read my library book for my next book discussion in the library.  It's non-fiction and I'm finding it fascinating.

I watched the season finale of my favorite television show, PARENTHOOD.  It was excellent.

My private yoga lesson was cancelled and I made a plan with him to go to see a film and have dinner out.  I left the decision up to him as to what we do since it is bitter cold outside.  He tried to have me make the decision, but I'm wiser than that.  He realizes that he no longer can blame me for his mistakes because I do not react.

I feel calm and quiet inside myself.  My weight is gong back to normal because I am happy and in control.   I know that with him, it could change at any moment, but the joy of my happiness is that I am prepared for anything.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for feeling happy.

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