Thursday, January 10, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new voice.  

It appears that he is trying to test me again.

He did a really poor job cleaning yesterday.  I cleaned what he didn't do when I came home from the book club.

Yet, here was my concern.  I needed to mention it to him or it would appear that I either didn't care or that I was afraid of him.  I knew that he was looking for a confrontation.  

What to do????

I slept on it and this morning I told him in a little quiet voice that I had completed the cleaning job.  I said that I understood that he was very busy yesterday watching our trees being cut down due to HURRICANE SANDY.   

He was ready for a confrontation and I was ready NOT to let that happen.

He failed and I succeeded!!!

Thank you Almighty for my new, quiet, phony voice!!!

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