Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the fun activities that I attend.

Last night, I went to a book club discussion at the library.  It was a wonderful discussion and what made it so good was that only myself and the librarian liked the book which was called, THE WIDOWERS TALE.

I am grateful to you Almighty for knowing how to be political.  I invited him to have dinner with me last night before the book club for a number of reasons.  The first one being that I wanted a glasses or two of wine.  I wanted him to pay for dinner.  I also wanted to do something with him so that he couldn't say that I do nothing with him.   I accomplished my goals.

You had to hear him call me, "sweetheart!!"  I guess he doesn't realize what I think of him.   Am I that good of an actress???   I don't think so.  He must think me a fool!!!   Truthfully, for the many years that I thought that he would change because he loved me, I probably was a fool.  But, I'm done with that.

Sometimes, in the early morning, my dreams come back to me and I get a bit sad.  However, I remember that looking at the past can only depress you while looking ahead can make one anxious.   I remind myself to stay grounded in the present.

I would have taken off today because it is the yoga book club.  However, it's a dreary day and I realized that I would be indoors a lot with him.  There are only so many hours that I can stand to be around him, so I opted for work.  Good decision!!!!!

I do have a private yoga lesson later.  I am wearing yoga clothes to work.  It's the best of all possible worlds!!!

Thank you, Almighty for my activities and for being there for me always!!!!!

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