Sunday, January 13, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for making this day a success. 

I am a lot calmer knowing that I don't have to speak.   I wanted to see if I could be home for an afternoon without planning anything and with minimal conversation.

I achieved all three.  I was calm.  I stayed home all afternoon.  There was minimal conversation.  I even made tofu for dinner.  I got to read, listen to yoga music and light my scented candles.

He complained and I listened.  I didn't speak.  He complained that he was bored.  I asked why he didn't make a plan.  He said, and this is very telling about the nature of our poor relationship, that I made the plan and he complained.  I listened.  

He said that next week we would go out east.  Didn't I hear that last week??  He said that he might call a broker.  I listened.

It is bothering him that other people will inherit his money.

I found this to be a most successful day.

The key is just not to answer his bantering and I've got it!!!!

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