Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because He helped me become a wonderful reader.  

Yesterday, even though I was having a really good day, I was upset because I had saved my mother's old pocketbook and I looked at pictures of my daughters when they were little.  I realized that my dreams about having a family did not come true.  I was shattered especially when I had the time to speak to one of my young neighbors and realized how normal she is. My daughters destroyed my life in this town.

However as I read the quote about ghosts on line, I realized that it was time to get rid of them.  They are ghosts and it is tie for me to let go otherwise it doesn't pay for me to go to yoga.  

It will take time, but it will be done.  

The Almighty will help me do this.

Thank you, Almighty for your help.

I am grateful.

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