Sunday, September 21, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

He was in his usual nasty mood yesterday just to see if he could upset me.  Sorry Charlie!!  It didn't work.

I had dinner and went on to a joyous Selicot services at PJC that ended after midnight.  Was it the Havdalah, the film or the making of peanut butter sandwiches for the homeless that was the best part??  Or was it that I participated in the service?   Or the choir??  It was spiritual and wonderful.

Today I am going to again walk in the rain before I go to yoga.

Then I have errands to do.

I'm really enjoying the new book that I'm reading.

I'm setting up for the holiday.  I'm freezing fish and setting the table!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

Later-   He was very remorseful and i knew that  would happen.  I was taken out for a delicious dinner at Belle Notte. What else is new????

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