Thursday, September 18, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally understand the people in my life.

Yesterday was a case in point.  His aim in life is to frustrate me and make me upset.  He is failing beyond belief.  He found a town to look at out east, Sag Harbor, but the way to meet Jews would be to go to Chabad and participate.   He won't.  This was fine with me and the potential argument ended.  Then we went to the dog park.   He sat without speaking to the other people and going home he told  me that he was laughed at when I asked him to locate a ball.  I never answered.  Another argument averted.   I asked him politely if he wanted to attend the rabbi's study group.  His answer was that he would rather date Merle.  The result???   He sat home and I had a wonderful day!!!!!

I enjoyed playing ball with Matzah at the dog park.   The Rabbi's course was awesome too!!  We chose another book for the Yoga Book Club and I have already downloaded it to my Kindle. I even had time to take an evening yoga class.

I understand the people in my life and I am moving forward.

I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to understand this.  My life is so much richer as a result of this!!!

Thank you Almighty.

I am grateful! 

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