Friday, September 19, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the transformation that I see in myself.

I am grateful that the Almighty supported me on life's road and I hope that with the coming New Year that He will continue to do so.

I made it through the rain.  I don't let myself me taken down roads that I don't want to go and I am grateful for this.

I am grateful that I know when to be silent.  This has so enriched my life and given me more time to do the things that I enjoy.

Yesterday was a beautiful day.  After my Apple lesson, I decided that Matzah should go to the dog park.   And he did!!!!

I decided NOT to make dinner and we went to my favorite restaurant.  He tried to take me down roads that I didn't want to go down.  I enjoyed myself and came home to finish Lord of the Flies and watch Boardwalk on television.

I'm going to walk early today as I have not one but two yoga classes that I want to take. Then I have errands to do.  I haven't planned the rest of the day but I will and let you know later what happens.

I am grateful to the Almighty for all the changes in me.

I love retirement.

I have made it my own.

I am grateful!!!!

Later-  I decided to sit outside and read yet another book for a Thursday book discussion. It's a beautiful day.   I'm also setting up for the Sabbath.

I am grateful!!!!

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