Monday, September 29, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am alive, well and happy and NOT GOING TO WORK ON MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday has become my new favorite day of the week because I don't have to transition to go to work.  I also love Sunday night because my stomach doesn't drop with the thought of a week at work.

Thanks to the Almighty, I have made myself safe at home so that I can enjoy all the privileges of not working.

Yesterday worked out well for me.  I walked, went to yoga and Weight Watchers.  I even delivered my charity bag of groceries to PJC.   We did go to The Sands Point Preserve for the Fall Festival.  It was enjoyable.  He was in one of his decent moods.  He took me out to dinner at Rachael's.  I thought that I was paying and then I wasn't.  That's his craziness.  He even bought me an ice cream sundae.   I always celebrate my weight after I get weighed.   I texted the older one.   I was so happy that I had uninvited her from Rosh Hashanah years ago.  She doesn't believe in it and would have destroyed it for me.

I got to watch Boardwalk too!!!!!

Today I will walk.   I will do some errands.

I have a wonderful yoga class to take.

Then I will settle down with my book for the Yoga Book Club and read.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I made it.

I am grateful for Monday.

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