Thursday, September 11, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for the blessings that He has given me.

I have my health!  I have my faith!   I have my pension!!!!!!  I have my life!!!  I have strength and fortitude to survive!!!  All of this is thanks to the Almighty!!

Each day in retirement feels like a continued vacation.  I plan what I would like to do and then I go and do it.

Today I'm up very early in order to walk because I am investigating another book club.  I didn't really like the book, but I am loving the adventure of exploration.  Then I will attend NOT ONE BUT TWO lectures, one on sleep, the other on Albert Einstein.

I have my Memory Writing Workshop later this afternoon.

I do have to plan shopping for tomorrow because we are going to the condo this weekend.  We purchased tickets to a comedian at the JASON VINEYARD.   More big fun!!!!

Thank you Almighty for all my blessings.

I am grateful!!!!

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