Saturday, September 20, 2014


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the joy in my new life.

Yesterday was a case in point.  After my wonderful yoga classes and my chores and errands, I decided that it was a beautiful day and that I would read my new book,  A HOUSE IN THE SKY, in the backyard with the dog.  It was a beautiful day and I never sit quietly at the house and read.  It was wonderful.

I made Shabbos dinner which was early because the Sabbath is earlier.  I was able to watch,  Lord of the Flies which we will discuss on Tuesday.

Today, I will go to services.

I will walk. (  I walked and when I returned I found him going through the garbage taking out textbooks that I had thrown out.  I retrieved them, put them in the truck and said that I would give them to "poor children."  All this said in my "quiet voice."  He spent time looking to start a fight probably to entertain himself.)  He failed!!!!!!  Things don't change!!!!  This is why I knew that I could retire.  I knew what to do.

I went on to read my book in the music room.

Tonight, at 9PM is the beginning of the High Holiday season with the Silichot service which I will joyfully attend.

Thank you, Almighty for my new life.

I am grateful!!!!

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