Saturday, March 31, 2012


I was so relaxed this Shabbos and I think it came from speaking out all week.  I had a smile inside and outside my face.

I accomplished all of my plans today with little or no conversation.   I attended services and was grateful that it didn't rain so that I could walk for 2 hours!!!!!  I moved more items to get ready for Passover and I finished working on the book shelves.

It's funny, but when I walk, I review my life.  Today I surprised myself by seeing how disturbed he was and how far back it went.  I'm grateful that I survived.

I just added this part of my gratitude.   Here goes!!!!  He came into the music room and we were talking about the Passover break.  I commented that I was going to go to Cindi's to buy clothes for the Hamptons, which wad the last of our Cape Cod or Montauk.  Anyway, he decided to say, "IF WE GO!"   I couldn't take it any longer and I told him in as quiet a voice as I could muster that if we don't go this year, we will go next year. "No", says he, " I will sell it."  "No," says I in a quiet voice, "it's mine too."  Then I took a deep breathe and said, " I'm not the same person.  I'm not going to get upset if you come into my music room to try and upset me.  Last week, you were buying a condo because I was too stupid to sell a house. Now this.  You can't scare me.  I'm not that person anymore."

I'm proud of myself and grateful that the Almighty sent the right person who put me back together.

I am grateful.

Friday, March 30, 2012



I FINALLY learned the right way to say something.   I agreed with him that going to Montauk was not a good idea because we have been there before.   I agreed that it might rain in Cape Cod. I agreed that since I work at Pasta Night and he gets to sit with the Principal's family, he need not go.

I agreed non-judgementally and non-emotionally.  It's over.  To see me is to see me smile.  

What a successful week!!!!   I'm not wearing wedding bands.  He said that you know I'm not single, so why must I wear them?   I'm not going to Kirpala.  ( It's a wonderful place for you and.......)  I don't have to go on vacation wit him.  ( We have been there already.  It's too much like the Hamptons.  It may rain. )  He won't come to Pasta Night.  (I don't want to sit with the Principal's parents.)

I'm free!!!!!  The Israelites were freed from bondage and I've taken another step to be independent and free of him.

I am grateful to the Almighty!!!!!    Tonight is Shabbos.  I am overjoyed!!!!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I met a new friend who has a daughter like one of mine.  She talked about using vague phrases with my daughter and not being so definitive about things, so as not to give her any information at all.

I was very grateful for this and I'm going to use it all the time.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I knew that I had to do this.  I didn't know how.  I was afraid.  I've never done it before.  I have no support at all.

But, I did it.  I did it with sadness because I wish that it was not like this.  But, I did it with gratitude because I was brave enough and strong enough to do it. 

What did I do?

My older one had given me a certificate to a place that she wanted to go to.   Years ago, after he became ill, I wanted to go to Great Books.  She wouldn't go.  Before that, I wanted her to go to services and sit with me at THE HAMPTON SYNAGOGUE.  I wanted to walk the town with me n a Saturday night in Westhampton.  She wouldn't.  I wanted to sleep over again.  She wouldn't invite me.

I gave up.  I created my own life that I'm pleased with.  I try not to think about the past because it hurts and it can't be changed.

Why would I want to go to a place with her and pay for it?  A place that she wants to go to.  I don't But, I didn't know how to say it because if she wants it and I don't we get him involved and then I'm screwed.  However, I didn't makea big deal with him and it worked.

When she texted me to ask when I could go, I used the matra that said and  repeated many times by text, "I'm re-gifting this.  Go with your boyfriend.  I know that you will enjoy it.  I love you.  We can do something else."  

We won't do something else.  We never have. That's fine.  I have myself.

I am sad.   I am smiling.  I am grateful for my courage.  By the way, I'm still not wearing the wedding bands.

I'm smiling!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


My new strategies worked last night.  When I got up, instead of thinking about sad things, I did think about 3 successes.  But, alas, last night there was another problem.

The younger one, who is really crazy, called to re-arrange my Seder dinner so that she could have an issue.   I was unprepared because it hasn't happened in so long and I fell into the trap, by telling the truth instead of giving her vague answers.  This allowed her to answer and me to defend my self and the tirade started.  The dance had begun.  For the first time, in a long time, I cried.

Of course, he could have helped the situation by saying that this is what I'm making.  However, if he could defend his wife he would have been a real husband and this is not the case.   

I'm not going to go with "should haves......." This gets you no where.  Next time, and there will always be a next time, my answer will be vague.  When  hear her voice, I will be on guard. 

This led me to think about going away with the other one who treats me the same way.  I'm smiling as I think about driving up all the way to Massachusetts so she could do her tirade if I say or do something that she doesn't approve of.  I'm grateful to the Almighty for showing me this because I have made an informed decision not to go.  

Monday, March 26, 2012


I was sad this morning.  Last night we went out to dinner.  He didn't wear his wedding band and said, " I'm not single, why do I have to wear this?" This hurt because I wear mine.   This hurt because we bought it out of love and it represented the continuation of a marriage.  As I thought about it, I realized that there is no marriage, that this is my dream!   Well, I need to bury it.  I resolved not to wear the wedding bands also.  It will take a long time to get over this, but I will.  After all, I perpetuated this dream for 64 years. It can't be gone in a moment.

Sitting at dinner, we spoke of a vacation in Montauk.  "Of course," said he. "We will plan it during your break."  Then at dinner, he proclaimed, "Why do we need to go on a vacation? Isn't going to the condo enough?"  Now I had explained about the cooking and cleaning in the condo, but he doesn't care.  I need to stop discussing and enjoy my life.  It's not easy!  I like vacations.

But, as I thought about this, I realized that my life can be a vacation and that's how I have to look at it.  Sadly, as he sees it, he's paying maintenance for the condo. He would love to sell it and then what would I have?   Happily, for me, we have it and I'm going to make the most of it!!!!

Last night,I woke up sadly thinking of the dreams that I had that did not transpire.  Why don't I think about the dreams that I created that happened?  So I vowed that tonight, if I get up sadly, I will think of 3 dreams of mine that did happen.

I was grateful for these new insights and to the Almighty who has allowed me to come up with new strategies to combat my sadness.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This morning, showers were threatened and I was going to have to walk in the mall before my yoga class.  I was so grateful because although it was cooler, damp and dreary, it didn't rain.  This allowed me to walk for my usual 2 hours and then take my yoga class.

There is structure to my Sundays and I'm so grateful to the Almighty for giving me the intelligence to be able to structure a weekend for myself.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


I love Shabbos and am so grateful to have it.  Last night, I went to sleep at 9PM and slept until 7AM.  Then it was off to shul to thank the Almighty for a wonderful week.  Kiddish was fun because it allowed me to shmoze with friends.

Then it was walking time.  The weather has been beautiful and so I walked for my 2 hours!!! Wow!!  Then I came home to set the table for Pesach, and practice the Haggadah.  I got to call and text friends.

Tonight, I'm going to read the paper and the next book for the yoga book club.

He can't do a thing to me because what I don't want to answer, I don't. 

I'm grateful!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012


Before Shabbos, as is my new custom, I look back on my week with gratitude.  I've become a new person.  I live in the moment.  I'm happily quiet. People say that I'm more calm.  I'm happy within myself.  I have achieved peace.

This morning was beautiful.  I speak very little with him because there is nothing to say.  I listen.  He is not a friend so I don't express my joy.  I go about my business.  I notice that I get so much more accomplished quietly. This morning was a case in point.  I did my usual chores before work. BUT, I also put in a wash, played with the doggie, set up my dinner for tonight, set out out my checkbook for him to balance, and cleaned out part of the refrigerator.  I then picked up a melt-away for a shower that I'm attending today.

All done, WITH JOY and GRATITUDE TO THE ALMIGHTY.  I noticed the beautiful day and am comfortable walking when I get home.

I am grateful.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


It took me a long time to understand people and to acknowledge who they are so that no one can hurt me.  I am so grateful for that because otherwise I would be a puddle n the floor crying and have no life.  I am grateful that I've learned to be present based so that I don't think about yesterday or tomorrow and today is the gift.

It took me a long time not to be hurt by others and to distance from people who would hurt me. 

My older one is a case in point. At present, she is vacationing with her newest boyfriend who is real trash. But, that's her problem.  She wanted to bring him to a seder and I accepted.   However, it was agreed that he couldn't go to the unveiling.

I always knew that she was a cold-hearted bitch and this proves it.  I will not go on vacation with her because behind my back, she will bring him along.  I owe her nothing.

I had a wonderful day though and have to stop thinking about toxic memories.  My hair is back to being curly and I had dinner with a very dear friend.

I am grateful for my friend and to be rid of toxic memories.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Matzah had his second lesson "at school" tonight at PETCO.  He learned two new commands, "DOWN'" and "LEAVE IT."  I was so proud of him, more so than when I raised those girls who did nothing but mock and defy me.

I am grateful that Matzah came into my life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I took the day off from work today to attend my yoga book club.   I am grateful that the day was warm and sunny and so I was able to walk for 2 hours.  Then I read the papers, showered and attended the club.  We skyped with the author and it was wonderful.

He actually was friendly today and bought me coffee which was in the house when I came back from walking. After the book club I decided to call him and pick him up because I was going to the mall.

Now we are having a barbeque.

I am so grateful for this wonderful day!!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012


He is a very difficult man to be with and the title says it all.  He knows what to say but it is all a pack of lies. Let's take the subject of vacations.  Casinos in Atlantic City, Foxwoods, Mohican Sun, Cape Cod, Montauk Manor...these are possible vacation sites.  He will go if I want to.  But, honestly, I've lost all the enthusiasm to get excited about going anyplace with him.  And he tells you that he is a homebody.  Do I need the work of getting excited about my own vacation? Nope! So we aren't going.

Condo in the Hamptons?  He hates it.  We need to find a new one. Or, he says, should we just have one place? At this point, I said if we do that, it ends vacations.  OK..two places says he. Should I get excited?  Nope!

Condo in lieu of living in our house?   He needs more people!  Why?  So he can set them up to fight with each other?  And not realize why they are doing this?  This weekend's reason was demeaning!  If he's gone, I won't know how to handle a house.  When I couldn't take it any more, I said that I was a capable worker and would find out what to do.

It's tough. You need to be  IN CONTROL  at all times and for this, I am grateful.  Yoga has taught me to live in the moment.  Mystical Psychology ha taught me to change channels, and for this I am grateful because he didn't interfere with this weekend's activities at all.  

Honestly, though, it's hard to be around him both for the lies, the unsaid things and the things that he says.  I am grateful to the Almighty that I am strong and have surrounded myself with activities and friends.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I am living a wonderful life, thanks to the Almighty.   I know what to say and when to say it and I'm grateful.

I took him to a play at the synagogue and didn't bother to introduce him to so many people that I know.

I love my life.

I've learned to be grateful for the fact that I have learned to be quiet and not say everything that I feel to him.  His balloon has burst!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


As I told my walk this afternoon on this glorious Shabbos, I realized with gratitude, what a wonderful life I have.   I went to services and prayed and then chatted with my friends.  We had gone out Thursday night for dinner and discussed that.  We made plans to go to the library to see an author whose book we had read and made another dinner plan.  My grieved over the death of my girlfriends just born granddaughter and talked about a memorial plaque for one of my friends husbands.

I came home to walk on this glorious day for 2 hours and here I am at the computer.

I have created with the Almighty's help, a life that I love!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


My life has fallen into such a nice routine and I am so grateful to the Almighty for this.  On Friday, I like to review my week to see if it was successful and thank Gd for this.  This was another successful week.  Each day I did something that I enjoyed doing.  I changed channels to quote my new course, Mystical Psychology, when I discovered that I was not joyful.

Did I tell you that I registered for a course this summer?    Gd willing, I stay healthy.  I won't retire, but instead will find joy in what I do.  I have learned to listen and contemplate what I hear and upon discovering that I really don't want a vacation with him, then a course was the way to go.

Today, I'm tired and my culminating activity for Shabbos is to make dinner, read and go to sleep early to prepare for a wonderful Shabbos filled with spiritual activities that I enjoy.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for giving me the intelligence to create this life.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I had a wonderful day and I am grateful.

The NYSAA was scored today and one of the girls had to pump in my office.  I was grateful for laughter.

I had a wonderful manicure/pedicure.  I am grateful.

I went to dinner with friends.  I am grateful.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I am so grateful for the help that I receive in so many ways.

I'm still thinking about that new course that I started lat night.  The Rabbi's wife is teaching it. As I got a folder today for the handouts, I looked at the notes and read my,"homework." It was, in yoga terms, to set an intention.  My intention is to make sure that I have a happy weekend without him upsetting me.

The instructor said that to achieve, joy," you have to change the channel and not obsess about things that upset you because this will grow and fester.  This is what I have been doing, but now it has a name. I will succeed.

I am so grateful!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I am grateful that instead of it being cancer that returned, what he had was only a cyst.  This allows my life to go on.  Does that sound selfish??  I don't believe so, because if I don't think of myself, who will?

My new course is EXCELLENT.  It's called Mystical Psychology.  The belief is that in order to feel spiritual, one needs to experience joy.  In order to experience joy, one should move forward from experiences that hurt you and not obsess over them.

Isn't that what I do every Shabbos?

I am grateful!!

Monday, March 12, 2012


My emotions today are totally up and down and here's why.  After a weekend filled with survival strategies  (where, as you know I did extremely well) we met my older daughter and her boyfriend for a birthday dinner.   I knew that he would be pleasant because I'm the bottom of the food chain. And he was pleasant.

However, he decided to share with me that he had a lump on the back of his neck and this is not good.  He chose to tell only me because it could upset me.  I shared the news with the girls and they were upset.  The boyfriend couldn't care less.

I had a bad nights sleep.  It's not that I love him.  I don't...not after everything he has done to me since 1970, but I created a role for him and would hate to loose that.  It would make my life more difficult and I grew concerned in the middle of the night.  I'ma capable woman, but that's what happened.

I am grateful for the life that I've created.  It's mine.  I know how to handle him. I would hate to loose that.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This has been, for me a delightful weekend.  I told you about yesterday.   Today, we changed the clocks and we lost an hour, but that didn't stop me from getting up early, doing laundry, cleaning out the dishwasher and then at 7:30, WALKING FOR 2 HOURS listening to the beat of my I-POD.

Then I came home, changed and went to yoga.  On the way home, I went to the butcher with my Passover list, put gas in the car and bought Dunkin' Donuts coffee.

Now, I'm writing to you.  Later we will have dinner with my older daughter to celebrate her 36th birthday.

And where was he in all of this?   Yesterday, he tried arguing and that didn't work. He tried telling me that we should throw out all the vacation brochures. I did that without as much as a peep. Then he went to bed without so much as a good night and that didn't work.  This morning he tried silence and, I'm smiling here, that didn't work because I left.   Now he's talking.  And he's smiling.  And he wants a kiss.

I am grateful that I was silent through all these moods.  Yoga has taught me to live in the present, my present and I'm grateful.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Today, my Shabbos was a beautiful day.  The services at synagogue were uplifting.  My friends made plans to go out to dinner on Thursday night at 7PM.  I'm looking forward to it.  I gave him some chores to do because otherwise he thinks up things to carry on about.

And no, when I got home from services, I didn't  want to walk with him and the dog. How many years have I walked alone?  My feeling is, get used to it, like I had to. 

When I got back from walking he wanted to tell me about a young couple and I wasn't interested.  Why?  Because I've always been at the bottom of the food chain and I elevated myself and I don't care anymore. So I said that I didn't care because my time in this neighborhood has come and gone.  It's a nice neighborhood, but "my mistakes" destroyed it.  And I said something to the effect that those two had abused me and his answer was, " I don't care who abused you!"

So why would I be grateful?  It's because I knew the hatred that lurks beneath him and I was prepared. Prepared not to give a damn and just enjoy the day.

Now, I'm off to afternoon services and I'm grateful to the Almighty for giving me the strength to succeed.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Yesterday, I was grateful that I finally understood where I stand, how I got there, and what to do about it.

Last night I acted on all of it and I'm so grateful.  I made my intention, as in yoga, to be happy. I was. I didn't diet at dinner.  I had Greek pizza and wine.  Then I ate sweets.

Today, I threw away the leftovers after saying that they would be my lunch.  I picked up my Purim basket from my friend's house without mentioning a name of this friend.  I made 3 phone calls from the car last night.  He can't keep up with who I know.  This morning I threw out the extra candy.

The daughter who didn't give a dam about me throughout this entire crisis saying, "it's not about you'" after I told her what he did to me, I texted and left a message wishing her a Happy Birthday.Honestly, I felt no emotion about this at all.

I'm in control of me and I'm grateful.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I had a realization yesterday that I am so grateful for.  This is what happened.  I have told you in prior entries that he looks for things to say to me that can be hurtful.  I never let on that they are hurtful, but, yes, they hurt me deeply. Usually this happens on a Saturday after I come home from services.

However, yesterday was Wednesday and it was done over the phone.  What happened was interesting. I now believe that it really isn't a good idea to go on a vacation with him.  To leave all my activities behind and only be with him can be trouble.  So, I was investigating activities in Westhampton Beach and I came upon yoga studios.  I called him to let him know this so that he couldn't control me with a vacation.

He proceded to tell me that he feels that I don't love him.  I responded that this was backwards because of all the things that he had done that proved the lack of his love for me in this relationship.  That was all he needed. He was off and running.  I stopped it by saying that I live ONLY in the PRESENT.

Why did his comment bother me so much?  I thought back to my relationship with my mother.  She would say cruel things that would hurt me and I would swallow them causing anxiety.  Why was I letting him do this to me?  Was I again living in a dream? Was I reacting to him as though he were my mother by trying to win a battle that I could never win with her?   The answer was, "YES".

I am so grateful for this realization because now I can move forward remembering that there is a roommate relationship, not a marriage.  There is no dream with him.  There is no reason to become emotional with a stranger.  Baggage that was had when you are a child should be left behind.

That's a new goal. I am healthy and bright.  I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to realize this.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I've changed for the better and I'm so grateful to the Almighty for helping me. Yesterday, I thought about all my accomplishments and activities this year and was filled with gratitude.

I brought my TREE OR LIFE NECKLACE home unseen because he never looks at me and I'm grateful because I didn't know how I would get it into the house.  A lady in the jewelry store asked what occasion this was for and I happily replied, NO OCCASION....I BOUGHT IT BECAUSE I DO YOGA.  I DESIGNED IT.

  I again spoke about a possible vacation that he could plan. I know now that it isn't going to happen as he has no interest in it.  It's a game he's playing.  Truthfully, I don'y care.  I have a full life without a vacation with him and could only develop anxiety if we go together.  But, and this is BIG, I WAS GRATEFUL THAT I SAID NOTHING!!!!   I made the decision that my vacation this year will be with Hilary at Kirpula.  He would love to sell the condo to take away everything.  Hopefully, that might hurt me. But, it can't happen and he must go as he's paying for it.

I came back from Restorative Yoga yesterday, so mellow and happy.  The house was dark and he was asleep or so he pretended.  I really didn't care.  I went on the computer, read my new book and went to sleep and got a quality nights sleep.  Usually, I awake and get anxious, but yoga has taught me to focus on my breathe and I go back to sleep.

This morning as is my habit, I asked him to close my necklace.  He did and then said see you tomorrow as he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.  I laughed to myself because, yes, our lives have changed. I've become  capable individual and he has lost power over me.  He knows to say, "Good Morning " to eveyone, but me.  It is supposed to hurt but doesn't anymore.

I'm grateful.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I woke up with this feeling of such gratitude for my successes. I was feeling so thankful and happy because the different activities that I do, I really, really enjoy.  Last night, I completed my course in ETHICS and FINANCE at CHABAD and next week, I start a new one called, MYSTICAL PSYCHOLOGY.  I had a private yoga lesson and my body actually went into a pretzel shape!!!

Restorative Yoga, on Saturday was wonderful.  It was so good that I felt the heat when the leader touched me and yesterday, as she said we would be, I was exhausted.  She said that the muscles were relaxed and yes they were. 

I'm reading a book called, THE POWER OF THE BREATHE and really enjoying it.

Tonight, I'm going to my Restorative Yoga class and I can't wait!!! 

I spoke to him about a vacation in the summer and can see that this concept is going south. Truthfully anything that I want to do with him goes south.  That is why I put him in charge of these things so that he can't blame me.   I am going to Kripala with my daughter and I'm happy to do it.

I have success and gratitude for my life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Good Weekend- Hard to Go to Work Today

I had a really nice weekend which I am grateful for. I believe that I did too many things because today, I was exhausted!!!! I really didn't want to go to work. If he would just treat me decently, I have other things that I'm interested in doing. I'm grateful that I have developed a life and would like the fun to continue because I deserve it. I've worked very hard and it's time to go.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Grateful for the Day

Today is Sunday. So far, it has been spectacular!!!! I walked for 2 hours all bundled up in the cold. Then I went to my Sunday morning yoga class. From there, I put gas in the truck and went to Weight Watchers. My weight is wonderful. I purchased my Dunkin' Donuts coffee and I just finished breakfast.

I spoke to my older daughter and yes, we are going to KRIPALU. Why not? It will be a vacation that I will and knowing him, it will be my ONLY vacation. But, why not!!!!

I am so grateful for my new life.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Following My Schedule!!!

I created a very pleasant schedule for myself yesterday for the weekend which of course, I did not discuss with anyone. Friday night, after Shabbos services and dinner, I put on some soothing yoga music and read more of my book, A MOVEABLE FEAST. As planned, I went to sleep early, and got a great night's sleep.

I was up early to attend services which I love. Here, I pour my heart out to the Almighty thanking him for taking care of me. Kiddish is lovely and my friends created a plan to go out to dinner next week.

Now, I'm dressed in Yoga clothes as I signed up for a Restorative Yoga Workshop in the afternoon. I'm listening to soothing yoga music. Then it's off to PJC for the afternoon service.

Dinner will be at home tonight and possibly a movie that I rented.

I am grateful that I have learned to be quiet and only say what needs to be said when I'm home. The old lady tried to teach me that many, many, many years ago and she was right.

I am grateful that I learned this.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Amazing......I've Learned!!!

I am so grateful that I have learned to shut my mouth. Today, the older adopted one ranked out her patients. That is something that her adopted father would do. Did I comment? NO!!! Did I understand that through environment, she had become like him? YES! Do I care? NO!! This shows by my not making any comments at all.

I'm grateful that I learned to do this and it gave me a very quiet evening which I so deserve.

Thank you, ALMIGHTY. I am grateful!!!!!

Life's Review

I don't know what made me look back at my accomplishments, but I did. I have such gratitude and pleasure in seeing how I have created a life for myself. There are so many things that I have done that give me joy. I'm proud to say that I took a chance on many things. I created an adventure and I'm enjoying it.

I looked back at this week for example. I took my ETHICS and FINANCE course on MONDAY. I went to a YOGA BOOK CLUB and REGULAR BOOK CLUB on TUESDAY. I went to the periodontist and the SISTERHOOD BOOK CLUB on WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, I went to FOOT LOCKER.

I also speak to friends, old and new. Just the talking to people is wonderful. He isn't sure who I speak to and is unable to say negative things about them.

Tonight is my SHABBOS and I'm going to fulfill the rituals and then read. I have activities that I enjoy on the weekend.

I'm going to be careful NOT to fall into his trap. I'm sure that he is laying in wait for me. I know it will happen. It will be insulting and I won't give him the satisfaction of reacting anymore because he will derive pleasure from that.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grateful For My Checkup

I went to the periodontist yesterday. All the stitches and packing were out of my implants and he said they were healing nicely.

I made a nice flounder dinner for the both of us that I enjoyed. I know longer ask if he likes it because the answer will be in the negative.

The Sisterhood Book Club was fun and I'm excited to read the next book. So far this week, I've discussed three books and that is because I live in the moment and enjoy that moment.

I signed up for a Psychology session at Chabad on two Tuesdays. It will conflict with Restorative Yoga but sounds very interesting.

Today, I heard birds singing in the morning and during the vacation, I actually saw a Robin. I'm so grateful for taking that Meditation Class because I now enjoy the world around me.

Work is interesting. There is always something new to do.

Tonight, I'm going to FOOT LOCKER to buy some Spring walking clothes and then out to dinner with him. He has a cardiologist appointment today.