Monday, March 26, 2012


I was sad this morning.  Last night we went out to dinner.  He didn't wear his wedding band and said, " I'm not single, why do I have to wear this?" This hurt because I wear mine.   This hurt because we bought it out of love and it represented the continuation of a marriage.  As I thought about it, I realized that there is no marriage, that this is my dream!   Well, I need to bury it.  I resolved not to wear the wedding bands also.  It will take a long time to get over this, but I will.  After all, I perpetuated this dream for 64 years. It can't be gone in a moment.

Sitting at dinner, we spoke of a vacation in Montauk.  "Of course," said he. "We will plan it during your break."  Then at dinner, he proclaimed, "Why do we need to go on a vacation? Isn't going to the condo enough?"  Now I had explained about the cooking and cleaning in the condo, but he doesn't care.  I need to stop discussing and enjoy my life.  It's not easy!  I like vacations.

But, as I thought about this, I realized that my life can be a vacation and that's how I have to look at it.  Sadly, as he sees it, he's paying maintenance for the condo. He would love to sell it and then what would I have?   Happily, for me, we have it and I'm going to make the most of it!!!!

Last night,I woke up sadly thinking of the dreams that I had that did not transpire.  Why don't I think about the dreams that I created that happened?  So I vowed that tonight, if I get up sadly, I will think of 3 dreams of mine that did happen.

I was grateful for these new insights and to the Almighty who has allowed me to come up with new strategies to combat my sadness.

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