Saturday, March 10, 2012


Today, my Shabbos was a beautiful day.  The services at synagogue were uplifting.  My friends made plans to go out to dinner on Thursday night at 7PM.  I'm looking forward to it.  I gave him some chores to do because otherwise he thinks up things to carry on about.

And no, when I got home from services, I didn't  want to walk with him and the dog. How many years have I walked alone?  My feeling is, get used to it, like I had to. 

When I got back from walking he wanted to tell me about a young couple and I wasn't interested.  Why?  Because I've always been at the bottom of the food chain and I elevated myself and I don't care anymore. So I said that I didn't care because my time in this neighborhood has come and gone.  It's a nice neighborhood, but "my mistakes" destroyed it.  And I said something to the effect that those two had abused me and his answer was, " I don't care who abused you!"

So why would I be grateful?  It's because I knew the hatred that lurks beneath him and I was prepared. Prepared not to give a damn and just enjoy the day.

Now, I'm off to afternoon services and I'm grateful to the Almighty for giving me the strength to succeed.

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