Thursday, March 1, 2012

Grateful For My Checkup

I went to the periodontist yesterday. All the stitches and packing were out of my implants and he said they were healing nicely.

I made a nice flounder dinner for the both of us that I enjoyed. I know longer ask if he likes it because the answer will be in the negative.

The Sisterhood Book Club was fun and I'm excited to read the next book. So far this week, I've discussed three books and that is because I live in the moment and enjoy that moment.

I signed up for a Psychology session at Chabad on two Tuesdays. It will conflict with Restorative Yoga but sounds very interesting.

Today, I heard birds singing in the morning and during the vacation, I actually saw a Robin. I'm so grateful for taking that Meditation Class because I now enjoy the world around me.

Work is interesting. There is always something new to do.

Tonight, I'm going to FOOT LOCKER to buy some Spring walking clothes and then out to dinner with him. He has a cardiologist appointment today.

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