Saturday, March 3, 2012

Following My Schedule!!!

I created a very pleasant schedule for myself yesterday for the weekend which of course, I did not discuss with anyone. Friday night, after Shabbos services and dinner, I put on some soothing yoga music and read more of my book, A MOVEABLE FEAST. As planned, I went to sleep early, and got a great night's sleep.

I was up early to attend services which I love. Here, I pour my heart out to the Almighty thanking him for taking care of me. Kiddish is lovely and my friends created a plan to go out to dinner next week.

Now, I'm dressed in Yoga clothes as I signed up for a Restorative Yoga Workshop in the afternoon. I'm listening to soothing yoga music. Then it's off to PJC for the afternoon service.

Dinner will be at home tonight and possibly a movie that I rented.

I am grateful that I have learned to be quiet and only say what needs to be said when I'm home. The old lady tried to teach me that many, many, many years ago and she was right.

I am grateful that I learned this.

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