Friday, March 9, 2012


Yesterday, I was grateful that I finally understood where I stand, how I got there, and what to do about it.

Last night I acted on all of it and I'm so grateful.  I made my intention, as in yoga, to be happy. I was. I didn't diet at dinner.  I had Greek pizza and wine.  Then I ate sweets.

Today, I threw away the leftovers after saying that they would be my lunch.  I picked up my Purim basket from my friend's house without mentioning a name of this friend.  I made 3 phone calls from the car last night.  He can't keep up with who I know.  This morning I threw out the extra candy.

The daughter who didn't give a dam about me throughout this entire crisis saying, "it's not about you'" after I told her what he did to me, I texted and left a message wishing her a Happy Birthday.Honestly, I felt no emotion about this at all.

I'm in control of me and I'm grateful.

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