Friday, February 15, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the amazing calmness that I feel and it's not because I am wearing lavender oil.

You have taught me to be in-charge of myself.  I am doing a really good job.  I don't comment on anything or everything that I don't want to.  I enjoy everything that I choose to.  I don't believe anything he says.  I accept any gift because I deserve it.  I don't have hope that he will change. I don't have dreams about him.

I learned what yoga has taught me.  I have a mantra that I follow:  "  I HAVE JOY!  I HAVE ENERGY!!  I WILL HAVE A GOOD DAY!!"   I don't allow anyone to get in the way of that!!!!

I say my prayers.  I credit the Almighty for teaching me.

He has no clue about this and for that I am grateful. 

We are approaching another weekend.   I have internalized all of my strategies.  They have become part of me. 

I'm going forward without fear.

I am enjoying all of my activities.

I am grateful for the calmness I feel.

Thank you, Almighty!!!

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