Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for sending me REIKI and RESTORATIVE YOGA and giving me the ability to EXPLORE!!!

I went to a REIKI CIRCLE last night.   I learned about meditation and healing of myself. It was very powerful and also very spiritual.   I will go again!!!

The philosophy of RESTORATIVE YOGA is something that I needed to hear and something that I needed to hear and to internalize.  That happened to me at this last workshop and I've been working on it.

How do you change from within?

First,  I learned about mantras.  I have one:  I have joy!  I have energy!!  I will have a good day!! Whatever happens to me, or whatever is said to me, I repeat this to myself.  It works.

Then I learned about intentions.  My intention is to have a calm day.  I know it and I work on it. It changes all that I do.  I am grateful for it.

Lastly were the 3 questions that I learned.  After I say my morning prayers and thank the Almighty for a good day, I repeat these questions.   They are in the forefront of my mind daily, guiding me to reach my goal:

      * How did you make your heart sing today?*

      * How deeply did you love yourself today?*

      * How fully did you let go today?*

If I can do this, I will be truly blessed with calm and quiet.

Thank you Almighty for this awareness!!!!


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