Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty that it snowed today!!!

I never thought that I would say that.  But, I shoveled the snow twice down the entire driveway!!
Then I drove myself to work.  I put one foot out and then another, slowly and I walked into the building.   I was so proud of myself!!!!!!!

It has given me another level of independence!!!!!

I smiled all day because of this. After work and walking,  I went to the cleaner and brought in my white coat to be cleaned.  I picked up my ring/necklace with twisted chain in the jewelry store.

I came home to simple chores and the making of dinner.   Now, I'm off to yoga.

Yoga was awesome.  I invited one f my friends to go and he really enjoyed it.  We went for coffee in the diner afterwards.

Later in the evening, I went to the end of my Sisterhood meeting just to schmooze with the girls.

I came home to read THE NEW YORK TIMES and to finish my book.  I took the doggie out and went to sleep.

I'm so proud of me and so grateful to the Almighty!!!!!!!

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