Thursday, February 28, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for learning MANTRAS that will serve me well in my daily life.

This morning, he drove me to work.  I have to go to the dentist this afternoon.  My bonding is loose and I'm sure that it will break. I have to be careful about conversation because ANYTHING can ignite a spark.  I remembered my MANTRA:  LET GO, FULLY!!!   LOVE YOURSELF, DEEPLY!!!  and that really helped me to get through the morning.  I found idiotic conversation to fill up the time.

I remember what happened to me with him at this very time last year while going to the dentist and IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!

More later.....................................................

Later happened almost as soon as I wrote this.  The appointment was canceled and I had to reschedule.  This in itself is not a big deal, but it is to him because he drove me.  He was furious.  I used my cute little voice.  I didn't explain and I didn't get angry!!!!!

I called later to tell him to pick me up later to go to PETCO and the mall.  Why should my day be a total loss?  We're still having tofu for dinner!!!!!!

The day is mine!!!!!

And I got to go to PETCO.  And I got to go to the mall.   And as I suspected, he didn't want tofu, so we went out to dinner.   I kept my little voice.

Thank you Almighty for mantras!!!!!!!

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