Monday, February 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty that I had a good night's sleep and that it is Monday morning.

Tonight is the final class in SPIRITUALITY.  I wonder what will be offered next????

I set the table for dinner this morning because the class is early.   I cold tell by his, "whatever'" comment that he was ready for another issue.  I wasn't.  I was ready to leave.   He imagines that if he does this long enough, I will break.  But, not this time.  I know the game.

Chat later..........time to work!!!!!

And work, I did........a lot of work.   

However, I had time to read my newspapers, look at FACEBOOK, read e-mails, call my friend and read my book.   I even got to walk for an hour in the building!!!!

Who needs to retire?????

More later...............................

And then I went home.  And then he tried to pick a fight with me and failed because I'm not going to raise my voice.  You can feel the frustration oozing from him.  He failed and raising my voice to him or about him will NEVER happen again!!!!

Dinner is over!!!!  Off to SPIRITUALITY!!!!!

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