Friday, October 11, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty because He made me the way that I am.

I am applying all the principles that I have written about and I know what to do to keep myself happy and safe in every situation.  Here are some examples.

Yesterday, we went to dinner.  He is winning another case and the money is guessed the bank.   I gave him a suggestion or two, but then changed the subject.  I let go because it didn't serve me to continue.     The older one is being written up in a book as a psychologist.   There are so many things that I could have said or thought, but I moved on!!!!

My hair color and blowout were incredible.   I have been unpacking my "office" and am so understanding of me that I realize that it is an office and not a home.  I am not hiding out there anymore.  

Today is Shabbos and it's a three day weekend!!!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for His finally allowing me to realize who I am.  I can unlock my treasures and move forward without fear.

I am so grateful!!!

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