Monday, October 21, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the gift of stillness and the ability to have stupid conversations that change the subject constantly.

These two qualities allow me to live in a house with him and to create my own life at the same time.   He has moved from a discussion of the condo to seeing if he can needle and annoy me.  I AM NOT GOING DOWN THAT ROAD.  He is getting very upset as his comments go unanswered.  Today, however, I did answer one of them.  As I was leaving for work, he said to be careful of a bomb going off in my office.  I said that he should be careful of a bomb going off in Fairway and then I went right into nonsense conversation.

We are meeting Izzy's family on November 3rd.  He cursed out the brother who is flying in to do this by saying that he hopes the plane crashes.  This may be his new topic.

I need to find new activities as the weather turns colder.  Sundays, I'm home reading.   I might go to the library. Probably, I will start cooking, just to let him smell what he can't eat.   BIG FUN!!

Today, after walking, I will be off to the cleaning store to shorten pants.

Thank you, Almighty for the gifts of stillness and stupid conversation.  They are really helpful in dealing with him.  He is so out of his league with this.

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