Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for all the blessings in my life.

My health, my career, my friends, my activities are all a blessing from Him.

Last night was incredibly wonderful.   I practiced Restorative Yoga.  I came home to read my excellent book.  Then I watched Frontline, on Channel 13 which had a program on bacteria in hospitals.

Today, I have my private yoga lesson with Leslie.  I will also do some yoga shopping there.  After I make dinner, I might read and find a cool documentary to watch OR I will go to the library.

I have to smile when I write this.  He has a new subject to try and needle me with and of course, he is failing.  He is trying to annoy me during dinner with Izzy's family.  Yesterday, he cut and pasted information about them and e-mailed me.  I decided not to react, nor to tell them.  I live in the moment, my moment and I intend to enjoy my life.

Thank you, Almighty for the blessings in my life.

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