Thursday, October 17, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty that I took the day off from work.  This is in preparation for my retirement in June.  I can no longer hide out in a school.

The weather isn't wonderful, BUT, I walked for an hour in the morning.  I owe myself another hour if it doesn't rain!!!

I read the newspapers and drank wonderful coffee from DD. 

I am going to the Yoga Book Club soon.  We will do yoga, have lunch and discuss a book that we all read.

I'm excited!!!

I am then going to CINDI'S to look at clothes.

More later...............................

I loved the yoga book club.   The next one is in November and I'm going to download the book.  I was a success at Cindi's!!  And I got a manicure!!!

I came home to his usual negative, sad, depressed persona.  I did the mail with him, straightened up and now I'm going to finish the next hour of my walk.

Thank you Almighty for convincing me to take the day off!!!!

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