Saturday, October 26, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for creating Shabbos.

It gives me a wonderful opportunity to go to services and to thank the Almighty for all the wonderful things that he has done for me this past week.  It allows me to see friends and to catch up on stories.

It is cold outside, and I am wearing my thermals.  However, I will still take my walk.  I will read The NY TIMES and my new book.

I am satisfied as well as content.  I have learned the power of stillness.  It looks like he might have prostate cancer and I would be a good person to blame for that.   However, I have learned the power of stillness and I am not afraid.

Maybe everything that the Almighty has tried to teach me has led up to this.  I'm not sure.  

However, I know that I am comfortable with the spiritualness of Shabbos and I am able to appreciate the stillness.  I will not get myself in trouble at all, because I know exactly what to do. And what to do is to be very quiet.  Plan things that you enjoy doing, and do them.

I did take a beautiful walk.  The day was a bit windy, but the walk was wonderful.  I set the table for dinner and now quietly, I'm going to put jeans on as I think we are going to the movies. The silence is spiritual and beautiful.

We did go to see the Tom Hanks film, Captain Phillips and it was quite good.  

In learning the power of stillness, it was a wonderful day!!!!!

I am grateful for the Sabbath and all that it represents.

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