Sunday, October 6, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for a quiet and peaceful day.

If you read my last entry, I gave thanks to the Almighty for sending me yoga.  The spirit of yoga has helped me to survive.

I finished my book for the Yoga Book Club last night.  I downloaded the new one for the Sisterhood Book Club.  I did laundry and straightened the house. I went on the computer. All while he slept which was my intention.

It has been a peaceful day.  I was able to walk outside for 2 hours!!!!  I then took my usual Sunday morning yoga class and really enjoyed it.  Gas was put in the truck, I went to Weight Watchers and gained almost a pound which in this weather is a good thing.  I drank coffee while reading the papers.  I'm on the computer.

I put away my summer suitcases. I'm not sleeping at the condo over Columbus Day Weekend. That would be nuts!!!!

I started to read my new book and got to watch SAFE HAVEN, a NETFLIX film.

I decided to make dinner.  It's quicker and quieter!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for this peaceful day.

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