Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for how calm and quiet my days have become.  

They have become very enjoyable because I am calm and quiet and never voice opinions about things that do not concern me.   That has really taken power away from my enemies.

Last night was wonderful.  He went to see a urologist and I took the opportunity to do some many things.  I did a wash.  I cleaned out items from the refrigerator that I didn't need.  I did the mail, the computer, took the dog out, made a salad and read my book.   It was so wonderful because it was quiet.

In the evening, I went to my restorative yoga class and then I stopped by at the Sisterhood Torah fund to catch up with friends, listen to the speaker and make plans for dinner with the Sisterhood Book Club next week.

Today, I am going for a manicure/pedicure after I walk.  I hope to get an appointment as I am calling today.  I would like to do Halloween colors.

I am really enjoying the book for the yoga book club and hope to take off the day to discuss it.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for this day and for my life.  I hope that he remains status quo so that my own life, the one that I created with His help can endure.

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