Saturday, October 19, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the spiritual day that I am having.

Services were wonderful!!!  My friends gave me some good ideas in dealing with my up and coming retirement.

I will be walking for 2 hours shortly. It's a Fall day and not very sunny.

Later, the older one will arrive.   I am prepared with an Academy Award winning act so as not to ruin  my weekend.

I will let you know what happens later.  My guess is that I will pull it off.

LATER!!!!!  I pulled it off.   I realized that lying and not caring was the way to go with this group and that's exactly what I did.   I walked for my supposed, "Breast Cancer Walk" today.  I agree to all sorts of stupidity and handed out invitations that I have no intention of keeping. I HAVE FINALLY LEARNED TO REPAY SHIT WITH MORE SHIT!!!!

What a crazy insight.  But, with this group it worked.

Thank you, Almighty for a spiritual day and successful night.

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