Friday, October 25, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful week that I have had.

It was a special week.  The retirement counselor called and I set up an appointment for him to come over.  I was able to take three yoga classes.  I walked every single day.  I finished my book for the library book club and today will begin another for the yoga book club, where I hope to take the day off.  I watched four television programs including Boardwalk Empire and Parenthood. I even managed to see the film Gravity, with him no less and I was careful of conversation.  I have had a very successful week.

It is almost Shabbos.   I am tired and as a result of that, I am vulnerable to his needling.  At Sabbath dinner tonight, he will probably choose topics to insight fear in me.  I will let all of this go so that I can heal.

I need to begin to work on a different mindset.  All week, I work, so I don't have time to dwell on negative things. I usually allow myself to do this on the weekends.  However, this weekend, I'm going to make a tremendous effort not to dwell on negative thoughts, emotions or people.  If I find myself doing this, I promise to stop and let it go.  I have to practice doing this because when I retire, I will have more time to be around him and this could destroy a pleasant retirement.

Thank you Almighty for the wonderful week that I have had and for a new plan.

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