Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because with all the adversity in my life, I have reached the stage where I can retire.

I love myself deeply.  Through yoga, I have learned to let go of that which doesn't serve me.  There is no need to think about what I couldn't do.   I couldn't change people.  That should have been a no-brainer but I did not know that!!  NOW I DO!!!

I can let go of people that don't serve me.  They can be in my life, but not a part of me.  Once I realized that, I did not have to hide out at work.

I do not have to think depressing thoughts about things that didn't work out.  My own personal life worked out and for that I am grateful.

I don't have to walk down roads that I choose not to go down.

I am satisfied with all my successes.  I am content and happy with my achievements.

I can retire.

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