Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for being there for me all the time.

Yesterday was a wonderful day.   My office is really coming along.  The floor is in.  The training that I facilitated went very well and I completed everything that I had to do in a timely manner so that I could read my newspapers and my new book.  I kidded around with everyone. I was able to go to the bank and move money around.  I was able to walk when I got home.  I made a delicious dinner and was able to read after dinner.  I handled the triad very appropriately and didn't think about them afterwards.

I was even able to complete a doggie video of Matzah dancing with me and put it on Facebook.

Today, I will do things to make my heart soar.  I will again walk outside.  I will read.  I will facilitate yet another training.  Tonight, I have Restorative Yoga and a Sisterhood meeting where the topic will be exercise.

I am so grateful to the Almighty because even with the adversity in my life, He gives me an attitude that is positive and activities to make my heart soar!!!!

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