Saturday, November 30, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this Sabbath of Chanukah.

Services were very spiritual.  I enjoy them so much.  I also enjoy being with my synagogue friends.  

Surprise upon surprise!!!!!  

My younger daughter paid us a surprise visit on the way to a friend.

I have made my peace with them.  They are in my life, but I'm not getting emotionally involved.

I was able to take a beautiful walk on a crisp, cold day.

I came home to light the Chanukah candles.

I'm drinking wine and I'm on the computer.

I made a turkey breast for me.

Later we will go to see a film at Cinema Arts.

I am quiet when I need to be and that has given me so much more free time.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the peace and tranquility of this day.


I am grateful to the Almighty for the treasures of my life.

I went to services this morning.  I read many of the prayers in English and today happened to read one where the words really hit my heart.  It was a prayer thanking the Almighty for the treasures of my life.

I realized that thanks to the Almighty, my life has many treasures that were all created after that ever important date in July.  I really treasure going to services.   I enjoy the Sisterhood activities.   I enjoy the morning prayer service.  I love going to yoga classes and workshops.  I enjoy reading and especially enjoy all of my book clubs.  I like the races that I walk.  Much of the time, I enjoy working.  I enjoy my friends.

Since that fateful day in July, when I eliminated or placed in perspective that which doesn't serve me, I have not cried or been depressed.  Life has gotten much better.

When I retire there will be many more adventures ahead for me.  As long as I erase my history, I can look forward to my destiny.

I am grateful to the Almighty for all the treasures in my life and for all the adventures still ahead of me.

Friday, November 29, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the Sabbath.

I got up early this morning to purchase my challah and a small turkey breast.

I went to a wonderful Restorative Yoga class complete with twists which are so good for digestion.  Dawn spoke of a Chinese bracelet that if you put on and then try to pull your finger out can't.  But, if you let go, you are able to pull your finger.  She said that this is how one should pull themselves out of situations you don't want to be in.

It was a miracle because the wind died down and I was able to walk for 2 hours on a glorious day. I had purchased all these thermals from LL Bean and I got to wear them.  I did not go shopping because I had purchased enough and there were clothes that I had not worn yet.

I'm going to read my book now and then have a delicious dinner.  Maybe we will even get to watch that film.

Thank you, Almighty for a wonderful Sabbath.


I am grateful to the Almighty for another wonderful day.

My Yoga Gratitude Class was amazing.

My book is wonderful.

Thanksgiving worked out.

Today, I'm off to get a challah, some turkey and then to take a yoga class.   I'm going to take advantage of Black Friday sales before I make Sabbath dinner.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this joyous time in my life.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for a wonderful day.

My Gratitude Yoga Class was amazing.  Although I couldn't do every pose, I had a wonderful time.

The winds did die down and I was able to take an amazing walk.

I did a wonderful job with the Triad at Thanksgiving.   I let go of that which didn't serve me and moved on.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for a wonderful day.


I am grateful to the Almighty for the beauty of my new life.

I'm starting the day taking a Yoga Gratitude Class at my studio.   Then hopefully the wind will die down so that I can walk.

Yesterday I had a wonderful private lesson with Leslie and she asked me what I am grateful for. I am grateful that I am a new person who is looking to a wonderful new life filled with possibilities.

Thank you, Almighty for the beauty of a wonderful new life of my choosing.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty because it is the Thanksgiving holiday.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the abundance of good in my life that He has helped me to create.

I think that the Almighty was frustrated with me and so wanted me to evolve and recognize who I really was that he resorted to desperate measures to make it happen.  Now, I'm a different person.    I am so calm.  I am so joyful.  I am so proud of the new me and so grateful that I have become this new person.

Yesterday was awesome.  I attended the Afternoon Book Club that was discussing, THE AVIATOR'S DAUGHTER.    I was able to purchase all my holiday gifts.  I walked at HOME DEPOT.  I went to a Restorative Yoga Class.   I did some chores like the mail, the laundry, and dinner.  All of this was done because I eliminated that which doesn't serve me by not answering his every remark.  Remarks, I might add, that he uses to start issues.  As a result, I have so much more free time TO BE.

Today, begins the Thanksgiving Holiday.   I am joyous.   It will be filled by walking, meditating, doing yoga,  reading,  watching my favorite television show,  attending services  and appreciating my new life.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and we are meeting up with the girls and the boyfriend for a holiday dinner.  I find myself looking forward to the small pleasures of a dinner out.   I am a new person enjoying new pleasures.  I know exactly what they will do and it will be enjoyable to watch them in action in a disconnected way.

Thank you, Almighty for the new me.


• Each morning I forced myself to think of three things to be grateful for before letting my feet hit the carpet. If I didn’t do this, I would begin my day in the depressed way I had ended the night before. Soon I began doing this before bed and found that nights got easier.
• When the magnitude of my situation would hit mid day, I forced myself to get outside, go for a walk and notice something beautiful. When life is bleak even the smallest gifts like the song of a bird or color of the sky can jar you up a notch.
• I listened to or read something inspirational daily. I couldn’t control the world around me but I could control my inner emotions. Yes I cried a lot, but I balanced those moments with what I was grateful for and kept moving towards what I wanted—stability again.
• If I felt desperate and scared, I would imagine my worst case scenario: I would loan my dog and cat to people I trusted and couch surf, I would go on antidepressants, I would ask a friend if I could share dinner with them. Once I knew my worst case scenario, I was able to relax a tiny bit and focus on what I was grateful for~often times the worst case scenario back up plan or the fact my dog was laying there next to me loving me no matter what.
When life blows up there is a crystal clarity that comes:
• All of the issues you’ve been hiding behind with your job or your money or your relationship are out there in the open.
• In the middle of the night, I learned to pray for help and finally learned to listen for the answer.
And in the end, most of all I learned that when we’re broken, we’re really just broken open.
I became the seed that sits in the dark, damp earth waiting for spring, deciding in which direction to send up a sprout. When life unravels, we’re all that seed needing to trust that the darkness we’re residing in temporarily, will in the end move us towards our next fertile direction.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful day that I am going to have.

I plan to work.

I plan to attend a book club discussion and a restorative yoga workshop.

I plan to surprise myself with an errand...................

Monday, November 25, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because he made me a good actress.

He completely changed when I spoke to him on the phone.

We are going to the jewelry store.   We did and I picked out a beautiful ring.

Then we went to Fresh Produce.

He wants to fence in the property.


How things change.

The other Arlene would have asked why.

This one accepts and says nothing.

Thank you, Almighty for my acting ability.


I am grateful to the Almighty because holiday shopping starts today.

I had asked to go to his jewelry store today to pick out a piece for my birthday.  He didn't want to go today.  You could see the joy in his face. Everything is a matter of control for him.   I was politically correct because I didn't want anything from him.   I am now free to go to my own jewelry store.   I have a necklace in mind that I want to design.

Today, I'm going to stop off and buy a box of cards and two DD gift cards.

I am grateful to the Almighty because holiday shopping has begun!!!!


I am grateful to the Almighty for the relaxed way that I feel today.

The weekend was wonderful.   I owned it.  I did so many wonderful things.

The best thing of all is that I am becoming relaxed in my own home by myself.  This has never happened to me before in all my life.

As a child, I was constantly trying to please a mother who could not be pleased.  My mind and my body never felt relaxed at home.    Recently when he said that he was always miserable and that I was always happy, and that his job was to make me as miserable as he felt,  did I realize that my mother was trying to do the same to me.  She liked my brother because he was as miserable as she was.  I coped with everything that life put in front of me.  Most times, when I could, I lived outside the house.

This weekend, he tried and failed to do the same thing to me.  I realized so many things.  First, I understood that he is emotionally disturbed and there is no reason for what he does.  I don't look for one.  I never ask him what's wrong because the answer will be "YOU".

I restructured my weekend to my delight because I always make contingency plans. With the Artic blast of air in place, I walked Home Depot instead of outside.  I invited him and the answer was that he had walked already.  I went. When told we wouldn't be watching a Netflex film because he wanted to watch a television show, I read my wonderful book.  I was relaxed because I had come from a yoga workshop.  
The following day, I was asked if I was doing chores after walking and yoga to avoid him, I said that that these were my Sunday chores.  I went to the butcher for thin chicken cutlets and when  returned home discovered that there was no plan.  Dinner would be in a local place.  I elected to make my own dinner and it was delicious.  He had to make his own.   I read my book.  Asked if I  now wanted to now watch the film, I didn't because the finale of Boardwalk Empire was on.  He offered to watch with me and I agreed but added that he might not understand it as he doesn't watch the show.  He left the room and went to bed.

I came to work today in such a relaxed frame of mind. I am in charge of my life. I have a housekeeper which allows me to enjoy my life.   I am calm and cool.  I speak less and enjoy more.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this relaxed feeling!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for this Sunday night.

I am ahead in my book,   ROUND HOUSE.

I made thin chicken cutlets with barbeque sauce and broccoli with garlic.

Now I'm going to read my book and watch the finale of BOARDWALK EMPIRE.

That's what happens when you won't talk to someone all weekend.

I'm feeling so relaxed.

Thank you, Almighty, for Sunday night!!!!!!!


I am grateful because the Almighty watches over me.

He has given me strength, fortitude and intelligence so that I really know what to do in situations.

This weekend he decided to give me the silent treatment.  That is the way that he evidences passive aggressive behavior.  I'm supposed to ask what's wrong so that he can blame me for whatever and the tirade can begin.

There is one thing wrong with this picture.

I'm not playing anymore.

This morning it was freezing and the wind was howling.  It was time to go back to walking HOME DEPOT.  I told him that I was doing that and then said that I would go to yoga.  I told him that I had errands.  He asked if I was doing this to avoid him.

Right there a tirade could have started.  Except, I never responded.  I just say, "BYE."

I had a lot of fun.  I walked Home Depot for 2 hours.  I called my girlfriend and also my younger daughter to discuss what's new.  I really shared a lot with her. I've been texting my older one nonsense.  That's best with her.  Then I attended a rigorous yoga class.  I went to the bank,  gassed up the truck, I weighted myself at Weight Watchers where I lost weight.  I went to the butcher for me and then to DD.

I came home to read two newspapers.
He is talking again.  I guess his plan was foiled but he is too dense to know how that happened.

Now, I'm packing up the truck and I will continue to read my wonderful book.

I'm definitely not the same as I was.

I really believe that you have to let go of your history to find your destiny.

Not everyone can be like me.  I am grateful that the Almighty watches over me and has given me strength, fortitude and intelligence to make my life better.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this beautiful Sabbath.

Services were awesome.  My stomach virus has gone away.  Kiddush with friends was wonderful.

I am going to a Restorative Yoga Workshop today and I will walk in Home Depot later.

My new book, Round House is excellent.

What more can I ask on a beautiful Sabbath day????

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

UPDATE!!!!   The yoga workshop was awesome.   We even received a sample of the oils that Dawn used on us.   Then I walked for an hour in Home Depot and have returned to read my book this evening.   It has been a wonderful day.  I even picked up a new mantra:   You have to let go of your history to fulfill your destiny!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for Shabbos.

Shabbos has a beauty all its own.  

I love lighting the candles, making kiddush, the handwashing, and the prayer over the challah.

This Shabbos, the older one, who is is in Chicago sent a picture of herself at a bar, in front of a Christmas tree.

Yoga says to let it go.

However, to upset her, I asked for, and knew that I would never receive, a picture of herself and her boyfriend in front of the tree.  I was right.  I never received it.  She probably thought that the first picture would upset me, knowing it was Shabbos.  Sadly for her, her plan was foiled by me asking for yet another picture when the first should have had me in tears.

That is the mark of an emotionally disturbed woman.

I'm glad that she is out of my house.

Thank you, Almighty for making me wise.


I am grateful to the Almighty because I had the day off yesterday!!!

That horrible stomach virus is gone.  I really enjoyed the YOGA BOOK CLUB.  As a result of the virus, I caught up on needed sleep and I lost weight.

Today's Curriculum Meeting wasn't bad at all!!!   I spoke to my union representative and he told me how to handle "the situation."  Afterwards, I got to go to BARNES AND NOBLE to purchase the book for the next YOGA BOOK CLUB.

I am back at work now!!!!

I am still retiring!!!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for my day off!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013




I am grateful to the Almighty for my health.

Last night, I had a major stomach virus that lasted for hours.  I had terrible cramps and then the BM was fine.  This went on for hours!!!!!   I am exhausted.

Today I took a day.  Who gets sick on a day that they take off?    ME!!!!!

I'm feeling better now and hoping to get to the YOGA BOOK CLUB and to walk.

I definitely realize the value of good health.

Thank you, Almighty for my health.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I have learned how to study people and know how to relate to them.

This is a wonderful thing because it keeps my life calm and quiet.  For example,  I have learned that our Principal needs you to agree with him at all costs and to use a quiet voice.   I have learned NOT to bring home any stories because those could become issues with an angry man.

I have learned to use the principles of yoga in my daily life and that is a beautiful thing.

Last night, I went to my RESTORATIVE YOGA class which I truly enjoyed.  This afternoon, I have my private lesson with Leslie which I am looking forward to.

I am grateful to the Almighty for beginning to study people.  It has made my life a lot quieter.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Absolute Yoga Studio
We know you've been waiting anxiously for Leslie's theme of the week and here it is! It's a good one, if we do say so ourselves! Let us know what you think.
Her theme for the week of 11/11 was The Wizard:
We all need our own personal wizard to remind us of what we have or already know. This weekend I was thinking about the Wizard of Oz because on Facebook we posted the quote from Glinda the Good Witch to Dorothy: “You don’t need to be helped any longer, you've always had the power to go back to Kansas … You just needed to learn it for yourself." Dorothy then understands she never really lost this power but had to learn to believe in herself. She returns to Kansas by tapping together her ruby slippers and repeating, "There’s no place like home."
Dorothy viewed the Wizard as a source of all the answers knowing, if she could only get to him, that all would be revealed to her. Have you ever had the experience of hoping to find the one who had the answers to all of your questions; the one who could tell you what to do and what not to do, who to be and who not to be? Maybe you've had that feeling of not knowing which direction to go in life and where to find the source that holds all the answers. But the true wizard is our yoga practice. Yoga takes us off of the yellow brick road and puts us on a direct path that moves right through the muscles and bones, straight into the center of our minds, our hearts and souls, reconnecting us powerfully and profoundly to our truth, to our true essence, to who we really are. Yoga encourages us to turn away from the distractions and instead to tune in to the present moment. Yoga teaches us to be here now. And, when we are fully present, we are fully alive. And, when we are fully alive, we are able to reconnect to our truth, finding ourselves more deeply aligned with our true nature, to our home in Kansas (or our OM).
The characters that accompany Dorothy on this journey to get to know herself are the Scarecrow, the Tin Man and the Lion – who are the embodiment of the mind (the Scarecrow looking for knowledge, a brain), the heart (the Tin Man looking for love, a heart), and the body (the Lion looking for courage, a body) and Dorothy, who represents the soul. She was essentially trying to integrate all three of these aspects in her life as she journeyed on the Yellow Brick Road (the yogic path) which, not surprisingly, is a golden spiral which leads her home (or om). Dorothy's story is truly Tantric because it teaches that what we are really seeking is already inside of us. The answers have never been somewhere else. The man behind the curtain was just that, a man behind a curtain. Each of us hold the keys to our own empowerment and always have - just like Dorothy. The answers and the truth have been within each of us all along.
Scott Hittelman
Woke up mid dreaming and was craving water to wine and all there yummy wine !! Caramel port and all there other flavors I am coming soon ...Marcus Tipton and Cory Tipton


I am grateful that the Almighty made me an intelligent person.

Yesterday, the retirement guy came and we crunched the numbers.  Based on how I feel, I'm looking at retirement for this year or possibly and there always is that possibility, next year.

I'm happy with my accomplishments and looking forward to retirement.  The only hesitation I have are the memories of the miserable life that I had with the Triad.   There is no one to discuss this with and that is how I know that I don't have a life partner.

However, I'm going to have to be brave and strong and just do it.

Today I have my wonderful Restorative Yoga Class that I am so looking forward to.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I am thankful to the Almighty for my new adventure.

I am ready to retire this June 2014.

The retirement consultant is coming today.

It is time for me to take sick days and experience life!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for this.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for my new life.

It's a weekend.  It's Sunday.   My strategies have been so engrained in me that I have noticed a tremendous change in me.  I have internalized the strategies and they are part of me.  I am so relaxed!!!!!

Yesterday was his birthday.  I took him to a film at Cinema Arts and then to dinner at Kabul.  I knew that he would be decent because this was his birthday, so yesterday was not a test.

Today was.

I walked for 2 hours this morning on a very dark and dreary day.  There was a spring to my step.  I noticed it in my footing and in the joy of walking.   I attended my yoga class and enjoyed every minute.  I got DD coffee and read both newspapers.  I did the wash.  I ordered clothing from L.L. Bean.

Later I will get a manicure/pedicure in a new funky shade.

I know what to expect and what to do.  I have truly let go that which doesn't serve me.

Thank you, Almighty for my new life.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the Sabbath, my wonderful day of rest.

Services were spiritual.  The sermon was amazing because the Rabbi was talking about my life.  It was the story of Jacob and Esau.  Jacob is finally returning after 20 years to meet his brother.  He has an important dream where he wrestles with someone.  The Rabbi talked about people who have had horrible things happen to them in life and yet are still spiritual and have faith in the Almighty. Like Jacob, they have a limp because they never forget what happened to them, but have moved on and have succeeded in life.  Doesn't that sound like me and my life??? I was amazed and so grateful to the Almighty because he has watched over me and continues to watch over me.

I went to kiddush and talked to friends about other things, but I was in a state of shock.

The weather cleared up and I will be able to walk for my usual 2 hours.

I am taking him to dinner tonight and to a film to celebrate his birthday.  

I am so happy with my new intention.  Tonight I will RELAX, ENJOY AND BE!!!!!  Nothing can spoil this.

Thank you Almighty for this wonderfully spiritual day!!!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the gift of Shabbos.

I especially love Friday nights with its blessings and Shabbos dinner.

I am doing well keeping to my weekend intention to R.E.B......Relax........Enjoy and Be!!!!

Thank you, Almighty for the gift of Shabbos.


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am finally feeling happiness in myself.

I feel joy.  I breathe.   I appreciate the world around me.  I have friends.  I have many activities to do by myself or with others.

I wake every morning and appreciate being alive.

Yesterday,  I got a wonderful color and cut with Louie.  I finished all the chicken stew that I made.  I read my book for the Afternoon Book Club.      And.........I got to watch PARENTHOOD.  I did not say a word about watching it!!!!

I invited Izzy's parents to celebrate Thanksgiving with us, knowing that they won't come.  It was just being political.  I knew that she won't want them, thinking that we might be friends.  He would be upset if they came.  It's a WIN-WIN situation for me!!!!!

Today is Shabbos.  I love Shabbos so much.  I love lighting candles and the little service that goes with it.   I get a kick out of the fact that the doggie loves it too.

My DD re-opened after major construction.  No more will getting DD be an adventure.

My intention this weekend is an interesting one.  It is to relax, enjoy and be.  I now know that he likes to do THE TONY and since I'm aware of that,  that too shall fail.   The "be" in my intention has many meanings.  There is the obvious one and then there is to be aware of what he is capable of and not to give him pleasure.

Good Shabbos!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for this new feeling, feeling happiness in myself.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I never thought that I would be grateful to the Almighty because I know how to be a phony, but I am.

I have learned that in order to shut undesirable people down, one just smiles, agrees and does what they want at work.  No discussion is necessary.  You just give them what they want.  It makes my life a lot quieter and it gives me more free time.

It's the same thing at home.  In order to have a wonderful evening, I am calm, cool and collected when I really don't care about the triad at all.  However, listening, smiling, and agreeing gives me the time to do all the things that I love to do.

I am grateful to the Almighty because I finally understand this!!!!!


I am grateful to the Almighty because my heart is soaring with pride and joy.

Everyday, I try to do something to make my heart soar.  

Yesterday, I had a wonderful private yoga lesson with Leslie.  We really laughed and had a good time.  I did well with all of the poses. We discussed the book for the yoga book discussion next week.  I'm taking a day off and really looking forward to it.  

I'm happy that I used the slow cooker on Monday, because that allowed me to have a delicious chicken stew every night.  I even declined going out to dinner tonight so I could savor the last container.

Today, I'm looking forward to the Holiday Feast at school.   I donated Dunkin' Donuts to the festivities.   I'm going to get my hair colored/cut today.  That is always a pleasure!!

I'm also reading a book for the Afternoon Book Club.  Will I have the courage to take the day???

I noted that I am getting a bit tired.  After all, it is almost the end of the work week.  I need to be careful to make sure that my defenses aren't down because that is when he will, "DO THE TONY."   What a great code name for what he does.   I made this my intention for today.

I am really grateful to the Almighty that I have created a new life.   If the Almighty gives me health, there are a number of things that I would like to experience.

Thank you, Almighty because my heart is soaring!!!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



5 Simple Ways To Cultivate Gratitude 
  • Keep a gratitude journal. All it requires is noting one or more things you are grateful for on a daily basis. No fancy notebook required!
  • Give at least one compliment daily. It can be to a person or it can be asking someone to share your appreciation of something else (“I love the smell of fresh cut grass in the summer, do you?”). This simply just creates opportunities to find the beauty in things or others around you by expressing appreciation.
  • Vow to not complain, criticize, or gossip for an entire week. If you slip, no worries, get back on task. Notice the amount of energy you were spending on negative thoughts and actions.
  • If you come across someone or something with a negative trait, switch it in your mind to a positive trait (a friend who may be somewhat loud and embarrassing but also very loving and loyal or a road trip with unexpected traffic but great views to look at).
  • When you find yourself in a stressful situation ask: What can I learn? When I look back on this, without emotion, what opportunity might there be? What can I be grateful for?


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the ability to find things to do that make my heart soar.

Last night, I went to a library book discussion of a book that I so enjoyed called ME BEFORE YOU.  We had a wonderful discussion and even went over the allotted time for the activity.  I sit in a circle with the same people every month and we are really getting to know each other.

Today, I have my private yoga lesson with Leslie that I so love.  I'm also experimenting. I'm reading a book for an afternoon book club.  I really would like to take the day off to see what that is like.

This morning, I read an article in the  Huffington Post  that talked about the value of keeping a Gratitude Journal and its health benefits.  Wow!!!!  And it's true.  When I read these entries back, I am proud of me.

Thank you Almighty for helping to make my heart soar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because there are times when I really need to be a phony.

This was one of them!!!!

I will be having a quiet dinner and heading to my book club!!!!


I am grateful to the Almighty for the gift of insight.

As I look back on the 3 day weekend, I realize how good it was.  I feel so relaxed.   I did so many enjoyable things BY MYSELF.  I am so happy that I was given the gift of insight because, as in yoga, I knew how to change something so that it works for me.  I know to make contingency plans so that I always have something fun to do.

I also was given insight this weekend into something he does and I had to create a new strategy. In this case, I created a tune that I can hum whenever he begins.  The tune is called,  DOING THE TONY (named after the Tony in our condo who would love to do this.)   It has to do with the fact that whenever he sees me, he chooses a topic that will insight rage in me.  It's the same way that he would pit two people together to make them fight.  It was done with friends of ours who were couples. They dropped us eventually when they realized what he was doing.  Obviously, there are no couples in his life, but he tries to upset me by reminding me of something that I would like to forget.  Knowing this, I'm going to hum my new tune whenever he does this.  PLOT FOILED AGAIN!!!

Last night, he chose to tell me that this isn't what he envisioned in a marriage.  I guess that I was supposed to react.  I didn't.  I had the insight to understand that his joy was bullying me, needling me and having me beg to do things so that he could say, "NO!!!"  Taking that away destroyed his marriage.  Taking that away gave me freedom to explore the world and have a life.


I didn't mind coming back to work today. I'm going to go with the flow.   

Tonight, for dinner,  I will have my wonderful stew and then go to my book discussion group which Im looking forward to.

Thank you, Almighty for the gift of insight.

Monday, November 11, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

Later on, in the afternoon,  I went to Eyeglass House to get a new case.  I went to the Syosset Library to pick up a book because I am going to try the afternoon book club.  My DD is not open yet.  They are doing reconstruction.   Off I went to Cindi's and I bought wonderful sweaters.

Arriving home, he was in the den and other than "hello," he didn't say a word.  I went upstairs to read.  The silence was deafening!!!!    Later, he tried to pick a fight with me, as I knew he would because his prostate biopsy is tomorrow.   The fight fell flat as I knew it would.

One needs a great deal of strength and fortitude to deal with him.

Dinner was delicious and when he saw that there was no fight forthcoming, he quieted down and tried the scare tactics.   That didn't work either.

He's now cleaning up and I'm off to read.

Thank you, Almighty for my strength and fortitude.


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me the strength and fortitude to build a wonderful life for myself.    Today was an example of that.

I arose early this morning to make a chicken stew for myself.   My goodness, the house smells so yummy!!!!!

Then I walked for 2 hours.   It was a cold Fall day, but it was beautiful and I appreciated the different colors of the leaves.

It was a treat to take Leslie's LEVEL 1 class.  I really enjoyed it.

Then it was off to DD for coffee and the reading of the newspapers.

I'm heading to Cindi's to look at sweaters shortly.

My plan is also to continue to read my book.

I have to be careful of his  DOING THE TONY.  Both yesterday and today, he made comments and I actually answered him and it upset me. He is careful to use topics that he knows are upsetting to me.  Yesterday, he made a sarcastic comment about Izzy inheriting my money because I bought things on sale at LL BEAN.  Today, he chose to print out an article that Izzy wrote to push it down my face.  She never calls me.  Lately, texts are few and far between.  I realized that this was his plan so that he could enjoy how upset I was.  I have to be more careful.

With strength and fortitude and faith in the Almighty, I will succeed.

I am grateful.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.

As I walked for two hours this morning, I realized that I did not get up feeling depressed or with anxiety as I had since that fateful day in July of 2012.  I think that has passed and I was overjoyed.   I did not think of them, nor did I plan strategies, I just enjoyed the walk.

I had a wonderful yoga class.  I was complemented on a standing pose that I was doing which is a miracle!!!!   However, I noticed that I had more confidence in myself.  I was very joyful and happy with the class.

I went to the bank and then to the liquor store where I picked up red wine that I want to use to make a dinner for myself with the slow cooker tomorrow.  I went to buy chicken too. Then I put gas in the truck and went to DD.

Home with coffee, I read both newspapers.  He tried to annoy me but I shut him down telling him that I wanted to finish the papers.  He tried to upset me with Izzy and I told him that globally people who like to do this kind of thing have issues and that I was immune to this.

And then it was quiet.

My plan is to go to the mall to get some Ugg boots, go to Fairway and come home to read my book.

BOARDWALK EMPIRE is on tonight, only 3 more episodes.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life!!!!!

LATER:  The plan worked.  He went with me to the library and the mall and I purchased my UGG boots and cosmetics from Chanel.   I did not want to go out to eat as I had run out of conversation, so we went to Fairway and I made dinner.  But, not before giving Matzah a much needed bath.

Quiet is wonderful.  I have so much more fun when I'm quiet. 

Thank you, Almighty for the joy in my life!!!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am having a Sabbath that is filled with joy!!

I went to sleep at eight last night and slept until seven this morning.   It was wonderful.  I went to services and hung out with friends at the kiddush.  What a joy that was!!

After I finish on the computer, my intention is to read the newspaper, my book and then to go for a walk.  (It's 5:06.  I just came back from a two hour wonderful walk on a beautiful autumn day!!!!)

I am hoping to see a really good film tonight with him.   For the moment, he has given up annoying me because he gets no reaction.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my Sabbath of joy!!!!

The next day:  The film was excellent.  He was quiet because he wanted to see it too!!

Friday, November 8, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for helping me to create a new life.

I am so prepared for everything that he does.  For example, Thanksgiving?  I put the plan in his hands so I didn't have to hear about it.

The weekend???  I made plans with him, but then in my mind, I created contingency plans.  I know that he has control issues and will try every opportunity to make me miserable.   He can't because I have created contingency plans that are equal if not better to what he is trying to destroy.

I have become so happily independent.  I look forward to each day and its challenges.  I never felt like this.  However, once you have buried the old dreams that were fake, the world is open to create new dreams.

I am up to the challenge.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me create this new life.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am happy.

Life is like mountain pose.   It flows and I have to go with the flow if my intention is to be happy.

Yesterday, I had a private yoga lesson with Leslie which was incredible.  Then I had dinner with friends before the Sisterhood Book Club.   I told everyone that I was thinking of retirement.

I'm working in a calm, cool and collected manner.   I'm dealing with him the same way.  Today I have some errands to go on.  I hope to go out to dinner with him and then to walk the mall.

I am grateful because I am happy.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my life.

With all the craziness at work, I am so glad that I am retiring.   I have created a life of fun filled activities and am happy about that.

Last night, I went to Restorative Yoga.  I am reading a wonderful new book for myself.

Today, Leslie and I will have a private yoga lesson.   I will be going out to dinner with friends and then go to the Sisterhood Book Club.

There is so much more of this that I can do when I retire.

I am grateful for having created a life that I enjoy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for giving me this day and for making sure that I am healthy and happy.

Thank you, Almighty!!!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the gift of laughter.

Last night was a real sit-com.   I never had so much fun and I'm being sarcastic.

First, we got lost going to Astoria.   We wound up in the Bronx.   Everyone was late.  Everyone lies.  If you sit back and watch this, it is really laughable and so I had a blast!!!!!  I played the game so well that I was proud of myself.

Today, I apologized to the Principal.   I decided that if I'm going to ride out this career, it's going to be with calmness.  I didn't mean a word that I said, but it certainly shut him down.

Today, I am sitting in my office all day collecting progress notes.  What a waste of time!!!!!  However, it's like having a day off!!!!

Today, I will finish my book and walk.................................

I am grateful to the Almighty for the gift of laughter.

Life can be fun!!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because he has taught me to survive!!!!

Today, he woke up in a foul mood and tried to raise his voice at me. 

I left to walk and go about my business.  The weather was beautiful and I walked for 2 hours.  I mailed a bill to American Express on the walk.  I then went to yoga, put gas in the truck and headed to Weight Watchers.

Breakfast with 3 cups of DD coffee was wonderful as were the newspapers that I read. Lunch is made for tomorrow and clothes are picked out..

I'm now going to read my book for the Yoga Book Club.

Tonight is the plan with Izzy's family and the Triad.  I should enjoy the sit-com.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to survive with these tips!!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my quiet little voice.

It's the Sabbath and he is in some mood!!!!

I am grateful to the Almighty for the quiet little voice that I have that allows me a peaceful day!!!

Walking was awesome today.  The color of the laves was beautiful. Synagogue was wonderful.  We have a Sisterhood Book Club meeting this week and dinner out.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my quiet, little voice.

Later.............I should also tell you that the man is nuts.  Since I reacted to nothing, the film plan was still on.  We saw 12 Years A Slave, an excellent film.  I guess if you can't bully, you need to be quiet.


I am grateful to the Almighty for the decisions that I have made.

It is amazing to me how life has worked out.  Because of the decisions that I have made, I can look forward to retirement without fear and that is a beautiful thing.

Each incident that has happened to me since July 31, 2012 has helped me to move forward so that I am at a point where nothing they do can scare me.

That is a beautiful thing because it means that I am safe.

I am free to do all the things that I enjoy.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the decisions that I have made.

Friday, November 1, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty, that I have reached the age of retirement.

Considering what has happened to me in my life, I am thrilled to be at this point.

I know what to do to keep myself healthy!!!!

I'm very excited!!

Thank you Almighty for making this happen!!!!!