Monday, November 11, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

Later on, in the afternoon,  I went to Eyeglass House to get a new case.  I went to the Syosset Library to pick up a book because I am going to try the afternoon book club.  My DD is not open yet.  They are doing reconstruction.   Off I went to Cindi's and I bought wonderful sweaters.

Arriving home, he was in the den and other than "hello," he didn't say a word.  I went upstairs to read.  The silence was deafening!!!!    Later, he tried to pick a fight with me, as I knew he would because his prostate biopsy is tomorrow.   The fight fell flat as I knew it would.

One needs a great deal of strength and fortitude to deal with him.

Dinner was delicious and when he saw that there was no fight forthcoming, he quieted down and tried the scare tactics.   That didn't work either.

He's now cleaning up and I'm off to read.

Thank you, Almighty for my strength and fortitude.

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