Sunday, November 3, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because he has taught me to survive!!!!

Today, he woke up in a foul mood and tried to raise his voice at me. 

I left to walk and go about my business.  The weather was beautiful and I walked for 2 hours.  I mailed a bill to American Express on the walk.  I then went to yoga, put gas in the truck and headed to Weight Watchers.

Breakfast with 3 cups of DD coffee was wonderful as were the newspapers that I read. Lunch is made for tomorrow and clothes are picked out..

I'm now going to read my book for the Yoga Book Club.

Tonight is the plan with Izzy's family and the Triad.  I should enjoy the sit-com.

Thank you, Almighty for helping me to survive with these tips!!!!

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