Thursday, November 14, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because my heart is soaring with pride and joy.

Everyday, I try to do something to make my heart soar.  

Yesterday, I had a wonderful private yoga lesson with Leslie.  We really laughed and had a good time.  I did well with all of the poses. We discussed the book for the yoga book discussion next week.  I'm taking a day off and really looking forward to it.  

I'm happy that I used the slow cooker on Monday, because that allowed me to have a delicious chicken stew every night.  I even declined going out to dinner tonight so I could savor the last container.

Today, I'm looking forward to the Holiday Feast at school.   I donated Dunkin' Donuts to the festivities.   I'm going to get my hair colored/cut today.  That is always a pleasure!!

I'm also reading a book for the Afternoon Book Club.  Will I have the courage to take the day???

I noted that I am getting a bit tired.  After all, it is almost the end of the work week.  I need to be careful to make sure that my defenses aren't down because that is when he will, "DO THE TONY."   What a great code name for what he does.   I made this my intention for today.

I am really grateful to the Almighty that I have created a new life.   If the Almighty gives me health, there are a number of things that I would like to experience.

Thank you, Almighty because my heart is soaring!!!!!

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