Friday, November 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for Shabbos.

Shabbos has a beauty all its own.  

I love lighting the candles, making kiddush, the handwashing, and the prayer over the challah.

This Shabbos, the older one, who is is in Chicago sent a picture of herself at a bar, in front of a Christmas tree.

Yoga says to let it go.

However, to upset her, I asked for, and knew that I would never receive, a picture of herself and her boyfriend in front of the tree.  I was right.  I never received it.  She probably thought that the first picture would upset me, knowing it was Shabbos.  Sadly for her, her plan was foiled by me asking for yet another picture when the first should have had me in tears.

That is the mark of an emotionally disturbed woman.

I'm glad that she is out of my house.

Thank you, Almighty for making me wise.

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