Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I am so grateful to the Almighty because it is the Thanksgiving holiday.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the abundance of good in my life that He has helped me to create.

I think that the Almighty was frustrated with me and so wanted me to evolve and recognize who I really was that he resorted to desperate measures to make it happen.  Now, I'm a different person.    I am so calm.  I am so joyful.  I am so proud of the new me and so grateful that I have become this new person.

Yesterday was awesome.  I attended the Afternoon Book Club that was discussing, THE AVIATOR'S DAUGHTER.    I was able to purchase all my holiday gifts.  I walked at HOME DEPOT.  I went to a Restorative Yoga Class.   I did some chores like the mail, the laundry, and dinner.  All of this was done because I eliminated that which doesn't serve me by not answering his every remark.  Remarks, I might add, that he uses to start issues.  As a result, I have so much more free time TO BE.

Today, begins the Thanksgiving Holiday.   I am joyous.   It will be filled by walking, meditating, doing yoga,  reading,  watching my favorite television show,  attending services  and appreciating my new life.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and we are meeting up with the girls and the boyfriend for a holiday dinner.  I find myself looking forward to the small pleasures of a dinner out.   I am a new person enjoying new pleasures.  I know exactly what they will do and it will be enjoyable to watch them in action in a disconnected way.

Thank you, Almighty for the new me.

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