Saturday, November 9, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty because I am having a Sabbath that is filled with joy!!

I went to sleep at eight last night and slept until seven this morning.   It was wonderful.  I went to services and hung out with friends at the kiddush.  What a joy that was!!

After I finish on the computer, my intention is to read the newspaper, my book and then to go for a walk.  (It's 5:06.  I just came back from a two hour wonderful walk on a beautiful autumn day!!!!)

I am hoping to see a really good film tonight with him.   For the moment, he has given up annoying me because he gets no reaction.

I am grateful to the Almighty for my Sabbath of joy!!!!

The next day:  The film was excellent.  He was quiet because he wanted to see it too!!

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