Sunday, November 10, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life.

As I walked for two hours this morning, I realized that I did not get up feeling depressed or with anxiety as I had since that fateful day in July of 2012.  I think that has passed and I was overjoyed.   I did not think of them, nor did I plan strategies, I just enjoyed the walk.

I had a wonderful yoga class.  I was complemented on a standing pose that I was doing which is a miracle!!!!   However, I noticed that I had more confidence in myself.  I was very joyful and happy with the class.

I went to the bank and then to the liquor store where I picked up red wine that I want to use to make a dinner for myself with the slow cooker tomorrow.  I went to buy chicken too. Then I put gas in the truck and went to DD.

Home with coffee, I read both newspapers.  He tried to annoy me but I shut him down telling him that I wanted to finish the papers.  He tried to upset me with Izzy and I told him that globally people who like to do this kind of thing have issues and that I was immune to this.

And then it was quiet.

My plan is to go to the mall to get some Ugg boots, go to Fairway and come home to read my book.

BOARDWALK EMPIRE is on tonight, only 3 more episodes.

I am grateful to the Almighty for the joy in my life!!!!!

LATER:  The plan worked.  He went with me to the library and the mall and I purchased my UGG boots and cosmetics from Chanel.   I did not want to go out to eat as I had run out of conversation, so we went to Fairway and I made dinner.  But, not before giving Matzah a much needed bath.

Quiet is wonderful.  I have so much more fun when I'm quiet. 

Thank you, Almighty for the joy in my life!!!!!

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