Saturday, November 16, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for the Sabbath, my wonderful day of rest.

Services were spiritual.  The sermon was amazing because the Rabbi was talking about my life.  It was the story of Jacob and Esau.  Jacob is finally returning after 20 years to meet his brother.  He has an important dream where he wrestles with someone.  The Rabbi talked about people who have had horrible things happen to them in life and yet are still spiritual and have faith in the Almighty. Like Jacob, they have a limp because they never forget what happened to them, but have moved on and have succeeded in life.  Doesn't that sound like me and my life??? I was amazed and so grateful to the Almighty because he has watched over me and continues to watch over me.

I went to kiddush and talked to friends about other things, but I was in a state of shock.

The weather cleared up and I will be able to walk for my usual 2 hours.

I am taking him to dinner tonight and to a film to celebrate his birthday.  

I am so happy with my new intention.  Tonight I will RELAX, ENJOY AND BE!!!!!  Nothing can spoil this.

Thank you Almighty for this wonderfully spiritual day!!!!!

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