Friday, April 19, 2013


I am thankful to the Almighty for all the good that is in my life.   

As I look back on entries from last year, I realize how far I have come. Stillness has played a big part in my "new life."  I no longer try to teach him what he should or should not do.  I no longer try to tell him, even in a quiet voice, how he has upset me.  I no longer say anything of consequence to him.  This has made my life beautiful!!!

I have learned to text them.  As a pretense, I say that it is because I wanted  to learn to text, but that isn't it.  I want a non-emotional relationship that is calm and quiet. I have reached the age where  texting will make that happen for me.  It has.

As a result of this, there is beautiful stillness where I am able to do so many things quietly and calmly.  I am able to try new things happily.  I am able to laugh.  I am able to enjoy life.

I am very proud of myself.  It has been a very big change for me.  It is a change that is a very good one.

I am happy!!!!

Good Shabbos!!!!

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