Monday, April 22, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for learning how to pretend..

I must pick and choose my battles. I will never forget how I was treated on July 31st.   I chose not to sleep over at the older one's apartment Mothers Day Weekend.  I chose not to go to Great Books with her.  I will not go to Kripala.  I will not invite her to workshops at my studio. These things, I have control over as they are about ONLY me.

However, I will do Mothers Day dinner because I won't make my dislike that obvious. This dinner involves other people.   I really do not want them in my home.  I pretended to love The Brick, just to get away from my house.  I told him that perhaps we don't want the boyfriend in our home.   I might change my mind and have them come to my home as this involves a group.

I will not purchase another condo, although I will pretend to look.  After the way he treated me, I don't have to get myself involved in another transaction.

I am grateful to the Almighty for teaching me to pretend.

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