Saturday, April 27, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for this wonderful Shabbos.

I pulled it off.  I know exactly what is going on, what to say, when to say it and when to be still.

The stillness is absolutely beautiful.  You can't banter when someone doesn't respond.  For example, when I came back from walking, he didn't say "HELLO" and then neither did I.  His next comment was, THIS IS NOT WORKING OUT.   I never answered.  He was waiting for any reply so he could carry on.  IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!

I de-frosted chicken for me for tomorrow and brought up a pot for the spaghetti squash.  I never said that we aren't going out, but I don't need to go out with him.  Last week we did go out and it was terrible.  He didn't stop complaining even though I threw him a bone.  I decided not to do it for a while.  Good for me!!!  And no one knows, but me!!!   BEAUTIFUL!!!!

I am so in control of this!!!  It's because I learned about stillness from yoga.

I am so grateful to the Almighty for this day!!!

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