Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.   Out of the ashes of July 31, 2012 came a wonderful new life for me because I was ready to say, "ENOUGH."

Last night I attended a wonderful discussion at my book club at the Syosset Library.  It was so good that we stayed afterward and continued the conversation.

This morning after I arose, I said my morning prayers.  Then I said my mantra.  This too has changed my life as it focuses me and allows me to embrace the joy joyfully.

I dressed in yoga clothes for work.

Today, I'm going to my private yoga lesson where I will discuss another book.  Then it's off to dinner with friends and then the Sisterhood Book Club will meet.

I am working on limiting texting because it is, "ENOUGH."

I am grateful to the Almighty for my new life.  Thank you!!!!!

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