Thursday, April 25, 2013


I am grateful to the Almighty for for each page of my new story.

It is so uplifting when I think of my life as a story and each day as a new page filled with interesting and exciting things.

Yesterday, I had a wonderful private yoga lesson with Leslie.  I did things that I never thought that I could do.

I went to dinner with him in one of my favorite restaurants near the studio.  I expected him not to like it and I wasn't disappointed, but I had a wonderful time.

I'm enjoying the book that I am reading.  It's a take-off on CATCH 22. It's a fictionalized account of the War in Iraq.

Today, to make my heart sing, I am going for a manicure and having dinner with a friend. My weight has gone up to its pre-catastrophie weight and I'm happy about that.

I am grateful to the Almighty for this page of my new story!!!

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