Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I am grateful that I realized so many things yesterday that will affect my life in the future.

Even though this was the best summer that I have ever had with him, I cannot and will not forgive him for the things he has done.   I don't believe a word he says when he tell me how sorry he is for treating me the way he did, based on the fact that he said the same thing last year and look what happened on  JULY 31, 2012,  a day that I will never forget. It's a day that he blames on me, taking no responsibilities for his actions.

I am in the transitional phase now between the end of summer and returning to work.  I'm sure that once I start work, I will be fine...........  It's the realization that summer is over that will be tough.

I really don't want another condo with him.  My dreams have changed and I don't need the added agina that buying another condo will bring.  He thinks that buying another condo is the solution to me retiring.  I now know that I can retire and build a life for myself.  However, it will be hard as he continues to annoy me.  He wants to control me and that isn't going to happen.

I showed him the strategies and Smiley faces that I created this summer, not to show fear but to explain that I don't think that this is a marriage.

He learned nothing from what I said, but I felt better.

I am grateful to the Almighty for these realizations.

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